MattressID by

PA5 TripleR

Target value chain

Textiles – Mattresses

Target Circular Strategy

Refurbish, Recycle

Pilot Description supports the mattress industry in becoming circular with DPP as a guiding vehicle. They provide a DPP solution for the mattress industry, accessible via QR/RFID data carriers.

The pilot comprises 5 European mattress makers deploying DPPs at scale, collaborating with end-of-life processors to evaluate options for mattress refurbishing and improve sorting/dismantling to recycle old mattresses into raw materials for new mattresses.


Information about the pilot ecosystem


Mattress maker + own end-of-life process

3 mattress makers

Deploy mattress DPPs at scale collaborate on common data standard evaluate options for refurbishing collaborate with recyclers to provide recycling data.

name may not be disclosed yet

Startup working on new business models for mattresses in hospitality (circular mattress - B2B leasing – take back and recycling – link with consumer (hotel customers))