EU-funded CIRPASS-2 project launched its Expert Working Group 3 (Textile Stakeholders Group) via an online kick off meeting on 11 September 2024 for 57 textiles industry and Digital Product Passport experts. This event follows other kick off meetings for EWG 2 (Standardisation Liaisons), EWG 4 (Electronics Stakeholders Group), EWG 5 (Customisation and deployment of DPPs in other sectors), as well as the kick off CIRPASS-2 Community of Practice.
Expert Working Group 3 is one of 5 CIRPASS-2 Expert Working Groups (EWGs), which are part of an even wider CIRPASS-2 Stakeholder Community, whose goals are to enable two-way communication between the project and the expert stakeholder community, follow and provide feedback on the project developments, disseminate project results and enable a feedback loop among a wider community.
These groups will support CIRPASS-2 in reaching its goals of demonstrating functioning and interoperable Digital Product Passports for cross-sector and cross-system use in real settings via 13 circular pilot deployments and use cases in textiles, electronics, tyres and construction value chains.
The objective of EWG3 is to bring in the textile industry’s insights including their value chains, supply chains, and product characteristics, to help with clarifying benefits and challenges in implementing DPPs in their sector, discovering and validating new business models, understanding the needs of SMEs in their sector and evolutions in consumer sustainable consumption. The group will also contribute to building the sector-specific ontologies.
What is CIRPASS-2 Stakeholder Community?
CIRPASS-2 is dedicated to piloting and validating standards-based Digital Product Passports in four value chains, but also to creating a wide-scale community of DPP stakeholders to facilitate the deployment of DPPs in different product sectors, across Europe and beyond.
Building upon the preceding CIRPASS project’s extensive stakeholder community of 4500+ organisations, the CIRPASS-2 stakeholder community is organised into different groups according to their different levels of engagement, including a large group of experts (Expert Working Groups and Community of Practice) to support its own work and spread DPP expertise and knowledge even further.
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